Unity Developer/Programmer (Generalist)

Fallen Planet Studios are looking for a self-motivated Unity C# developer to get involved in our ongoing game and tools development. The ideal candidate for this role will have worked on released game titles, have experience in tool development and have a hunger to learn new processes and technology. Our generalist roles combine both programming and design elements so analytical and creative skills are a must.


  • Take a game from wireframe through to release candidate.
  • Collaborate with asset developers to bring projects together.
  • Work independently and as part of a team to deliver on milestones.
  • Take on technical challenges and find solutions to process hurdles.
  • Optimise and test the game to ensure stability.
  • Recommend and implement improvements to existing games/tools.
  • Develop and maintain systems in engine to provide solutions to the design team.
  • Implement game systems in build and assist in design and layout of the game.


  • Bachelor’s degree in computer science or related field.
  • 2+ years of professional experience in programming or technical design.


  • Good knowledge of C#, with a clear understanding of coding best practices.
  • Knowledge of version control processes; Git, SourceTree etc.
  • Team development experience.
  • Proactive; able to solve issues effectively.
  • Understanding of animation as part of a game development pipeline.
  • Understanding of UI/UX principles.
  • Experience with scripting.
  • Experience with mobile dev and SDKs (Android & iOS).
  • Experience using common art and 3D software packages (Photoshop, Illustrator, Blender etc.) is a plus.

About Fallen Planet Studios

Developing exclusively for VR since 2013, Fallen Planet has released titles on Oculus, Steam, and PlayStation, to critical acclaim. In addition to our consumer releases, we have extensive experience creating installations for the location-based VR industry.

Fallen Planet Studio are an equal opportunity employer. We welcome and encourage applications from all suitable applicants regardless of age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief and marriage and civil partnerships.

To apply

If you think this could be the role for you, we’d love you hear from you!  Please email your CV to jobs@fallenplanetstudios.com or use the form below:

Seen Enough? Apply Below!

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